• Our church meeting is weekly at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays! We would love for you to join us. Come a little early and grab some coffee and get ready for a great day! We are a casual dress church, so come as you are. When you arrive you will be greeted by our hospitality team who will offer any guidance that you may need. The children's workers will be in their classes at 10:15 AM to greet and settle the children.

    Our band kicks off worship at 10:30 AM. They seek to lead us into a genuine experience with the presence of God. The main message of the morning will usually given by our Pastor, Glenn Holland. His messages tend to be direct, Biblical, current, fun, and engaging. Expect the meeting to last about 90 minutes - although there will be exceptions. Except on rare occasions, no offering will be collected during the service. There is an offering box in the back of the church near the double doors. Online giving is available.

  • We’re excited to dig into Colossians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians this Spring! No need to read or prepare in advance, but we suggest bringing a Bible and a notepad. Four locations throughout Corpus Christi. Email us at for details!

  • You're invited to our Net Young Adult Meetings on Thursdays at 7:30 PM! Our normal meeting structure begins with worship, then an interactive message, and then we hang out afterward! Stick around and join in!

    The Net Young Adults Ministry is a nondenominational-style spiritually adventurous ministry for young adults, young professionals and college students ages 17-30 in Corpus Christi, Texas. We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit and in the Bible as its final authority, and in communicating and imparting this through creative, adventurous, and fun ways.

  • This is a group of meetings for our whole church - the perfect way for you to find a place and plug in!

    We'll all start off at the Net with a potluck dinner then head to our respective meetings.

    Groups: Married Fellowship, Singles (30+ for all unmarried men and women), Young Adults (17-29), Youth (11-15), Children’s Classes (1-10)

  • Our Men’s & Women’s Fellowships are every six weeks. Our men meet at The Net’s building, and our women meet at the Barron’s house on the Southside of town. The meetings correspond with one another, and a nursery is provided at the women’s meeting. We would love for you to join us!

  • This is a time of special focus on going deeper in seeking the Lord and tapping into His heart in prayer. Check our Facebook for the next meeting. This meeting is for all ages and occurs once every 6 weeks.