Church Near Me, Online Church Services, Christian Ministries, Church Events, Youth Ministry, Bible Study Groups, Church Community, Corpus Christi Church, Corpus Christi Young Adults, Corpus Christi Worship, Corpus Christi Church Near Me, Corpus Christi Home Group, Corpus Christi Non-Denominational, Corpus Christi Church, Churches in Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Churches


We believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Jesus Christ, and that man has willfully sinned and is in desperate need of pardon which is provided solely through faith and repentance in the work of Christ on the cross.

The work of forgiveness, through the cross, thus provides for a restoration of relationship with our creator. We believe in a final judgement and in the dynamic and personal work of the person of the Holy Spirit in the world today empowering his church to impact the world.

For a more detailed review of our beliefs, check out the Assembly of God's 16 Fundamental truths.

The Net is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. The ministry maintains a non-denominational style.



We believe in the sanctity of unborn human life. We believe abortion is the taking of an innocent defenseless life and goes against a mother's deepest instincts to protect their own child.


We reject the institutionalizing of gay "marriage." Jesus, when addressing issues of marriage and divorce would refer to God's original intent in Genesis. "In the beginning God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6). Gay "marriage" is an expression of rebellion against God's original design and intent. 


While accepting the existence of a degree of "micro-evolution", we reject Darwinian evolution and the belief in a universal common descent of all living things from a single celled organism. For our full view on this, please click on the series below.

Evolution: Have You Ever Heard the Other Side?


Even though today there is a resurgence of reformed theology, we reject the traditional 5 points of Calvinism as not only un-Biblical but we recognize that the teaching also undermines the doctrine of free will, weakens the basis for personal responsibility and portrays God as controlling and arbitrary by choosing who will be saved and damned irrespective of human choice. For our full view on this, please click on the series below.

God’s Strategy in History


Universalism, has made a resurgence today. We fully reject universalism and purgatory or any similar doctrine as patently unbiblical.


Often churches will seek to be everything for everyone. By so doing, they can weaken the effectiveness of the work. Churches, to be effective, will usually find an area of ministry or an area of emphasis in which they are particularly effective.

Although The Net Fellowship is a ministry for all ages, it is a church focused particularly on reaching and discipling the emerging generation of young people from the teens all the way into their 30s. This is a broken and lost generation, and so many of them are hungry for truth.


Church Near Me, Online Church Services, Christian Ministries, Church Events, Youth Ministry, Bible Study Groups, Church Community, Corpus Christi Church, Corpus Christi Young Adults, Corpus Christi Worship, Corpus Christi Church Near Me, Corpus Christi Home Group, Corpus Christi Non-Denominational, Corpus Christi Church, Churches in Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Churches

Teens, single young adults, single parents, young married couples and young families. Many of these are seeking for a clear and relevant life changing message in a culture that has become more and more disrespectful of the Bible and the ways of God.

We are proactively seeking ways to bring about change in this generation. For instance, Millennials (aged 20-35 or so) are the largest existing demographic in the U.S. They have such wonderful potential to make a difference for good and yet in many ways they are largely missing in so many of today's churches. May we be a church that successfully passes the baton to the next generation. This is a legacy we believe pleases the Lord.